Monday, December 10, 2012

Using Open Source Enterprise Solutions for Improving Business Processes

Open source enterprise solutions are helping businesses to optimize their business processes so as to reduce the expenditure that occur for smooth business operations. The main reason behind choosing ERP solutions is to effectively use the resources across the departments for higher efficiency.

As the importance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions are different from business size, industry and sector, they usually use it for keeping a track on the on-going orders, product development, planning, providing better customer service, collaborating with the internal team, corresponding with suppliers, inventories and so on.

The web-based CRM systems can also be customized by the developers to help businesses get a perfectly fit solution for their business enterprise. Some of the benefits of using open-source enterprise system are:

1. Licensing fee is not involved 2. Scalable and flexible open architecture 3. Frequent updates make the solution robust 4. Supported by a big development community 5. Consists of rich features to add better functionality

The ERP model is also integrated with web based CRM solutions to provide better customer experience and create a harmonious communication pattern among different departments. The information can be accessed by people from different geographical locations so as to make better business decisions. With an integrated CRM solution, the business will be able to give attention to their existing customers and attract new customers simultaneously. The business will also be able to meet the requirements and provide answers to the queries.

Many businesses are taking web-based CMS and CRM solutions to make their business efficient. They look for enterprise open source services that can reduce their development costs and improve their business efficiency for higher ROI.

When your business organization has an ERP system, you will be able to transfer data from a single software system to another with ease. Moreover, you will be able to fulfill the demands of various departments ranging from production team, sales, accounts, administration and even maintenance team successfully.

With a single solution, it will become easy to organize and maintain the entire series of software programs for better results. In addition, an automated business solution will become easy to make your system more efficient by eliminating all the chances of mistakes and reducing manual labor that are required to get multiple jobs done. It's time that you start taking efficiency of your business processes seriously and take ERP development services from a reliable open source development company.

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A Few Web Development Tips

Getting visitors to your website is important. Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques will get your website placed high in search engine rankings. For example, if you are running a plumbing business in Detroit and you implemented successful SEO techniques for your website, you would come up high in the rankings when someone searches for "plumbers Detroit" using a search engine. An expert in SEO will have your website on the first page of search results. Once you get your website on the first page of search results, make sure that it stays there.

Adding a blog section to your website will enhance your web presence. You can use this blog to give useful information to people who visit your website. For example, if you run a dog grooming business, you can offer dog grooming tips people can use at home. By operating an engaging blog, you will keep people coming back to your website. People will be more likely to use your products and/or services if they keep coming back to your website.

Using social media to promote your website is an important part of web development. In today's world, many people use social media websites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Create an account for your business on all three websites. Link all the accounts together. Provide useful information on all three websites. It is important to have a link to your business's website on all of your social media sites.

Teaming up with other businesses can help increase your web presence. Engage in online cross-promotion. You can do this on the local and global level. Simply have a link to another business on your website. In return, that business will have a link to your website on their site. Don't clutter your website with too many links. Don't engage in online cross-promotion with more than five businesses.

Use HTML 5 in your web development. HTML 5 will make your website easier to view on mobile devices; it also consumes less power and resources when compared to flash. People will soon be using mobile devices more than computers to access the Internet. If your website isn't easy to view on their mobile devices, they will simply go elsewhere.

Take security seriously. If customers can make financial transactions on your website, make sure that you keep their information safe. If you have to hire a web security expert, do so. A hacker who gains access to sensitive information on your website can ruin your reputation. People will not trust your website anymore; you will lose customers and money. Change passwords often and use the best encryption software. Don't share your passwords with anyone.

Pay attention to trends in web development. You don't want your website to look antiquated. If new design techniques come along, add them into your website. People don't want to feel like they are visiting an outdated website. An outdated website looks unprofessional and makes a business look like it is out of touch with its customers.

How to Create Your Own Website for Business   PSD to WordPress   Using Boonex Dolphin Software for Social Media Website Development Solutions   Have You Been Using Rich Internet Applications Development Services?   

Learn How To Build A Website Now!

A lot of businesses are missing opportunities because they do not know how to build a website. This sounds intimidating and complicated, but it is manageable for those familiar with computers. One of the easiest ways to set up an online presence is by using the WordPress platform. This is a very flexible way to put content on the web where potential customers can find it. This is actually a very affordable option considering the functionality that it offers.

WordPress is a content management platform. It is most often used as a way to make quick blog posts to a website. There are plenty of ways to adjust the way content is posted to make it look more like a traditional site and less like a blog. There are also many different styles and types of themes that can be installed with the software package to give a distinctive and unique look to the site. This is a key part of what makes learning how to build a website with WordPress so attractive.

There are some important issues that must be addressed about how to build a website for business. Using the WordPress software is a great way to put a business online, but it does take some technical knowledge. To set up a site this way means registering a domain and finding a hosting service. The domain name is what the site will be known as, so choosing carefully is important. The registration service will reserve the domain as long as the payments are made on time.

It is not enough to know how to build a website using WordPress, there has to be a place to put it so customers can find it. Using the domain name as an identifier, a hosting service will keep the code for the site on their server so it can be accessed from the web. This is an important part of the process since it is where the code for the site is stored, where the data for the content is updated, and how customers will have access to its resources.

This is a great option for businesses to expand on the web. It is a flexible solution that offers strength and long-term solutions. It is clear to see that finding out how to build a website in WordPress is a valuable resource. The potential for increasing sales and volume is limited only by the imagination and how much time and effort a company wants to put into it. This is a great way to get started that has options for future expansion.

How to Create Your Own Website for Business   PSD to WordPress   Using Boonex Dolphin Software for Social Media Website Development Solutions   Hire Drupal Developers for Custom Drupal Business Solutions   

Unicare Dental Insurance - What Plans Are Best For You?

Taking good care of your teeth is vital and Unicare dental plans make it a little easier for you to get preventative care so you don't have huge dentist bills down the road. Any family, individual or employer who is looking for a better dental insurance provider should at least consider some of the benefits of Unicare that are listed below.

With these dental plans, members get access to a large choice of dental benefits at discounted fees and a wide range of covered dental services is available to them. Members do not have to wait for preventive or diagnostic care services as there is no such waiting period imposed. Preventive services which would normally cost quite a bit can cost members on these plans almost nothing or less than a fraction of the typical price.

With these dental plans members have the freedom to choose any licensed dentists from just about anywhere. Members get unparalleled access to see network dentists and also get quality dental care when they choose to see a network dentist.If you enroll you will get to select a dentist from the network. This may seem like a hassle, but they are picky about who is in their network and you should always get quality care and service.

Members with Unicare dental plans also get discounts on non-covered dental services and get up to 40% cover on these services when they choose to see a network dentist as opposed to seeing an out of network dentist.

However, members are also allowed to see out of network dentists, and they will still be covered,. They just won't be covered as much as they would be if they had opted for seeing a network dentist. Also, the out-of-pocket costs work out at being much lower.

For members of Unicare dental plans, their annual deductibles are fairly competitive, and they get some quality coverage, especially when considering the cost.

A really good perk of being a member is that when you decide to travel outside of the country, either for personal leisure or work, these dental plans can still work for you in case of dental emergencies. Members have access to international emergency dental care from worldwide listings.

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Making Money With Domain Names Online

The Internet seems like an endless stream of income for a creative person, as everyday people discover new ways of making money. Domain names are now the new cash cows in the tech world. And the good news is that anybody can make learn how to make money with domain names.

Just like real estate, you should consider making some clever moves if you want to be ahead of the pack, otherwise you might end up spinning your wheels for naught.

Your first assignment would be to find out what is actually selling on the market and the current rates. This is akin to a business person who is looking to start a new business. This will give you a good feel of the initial budget required and the hot industries where probably you might expect quick and fast returns for your investment.

Once you have identified a potential industry, the next crucial task would be to identify the name itself. Look for an attractive name that is easy for a web user to guess and connect with a certain industry. For instance, would be an obvious bet for somebody who is buying insurance, and would therefore be a high potential name. If possible, use ending, as this is the most popular search term used. You should also do some research to find out how popular a certain search term is on the search engines, as it can be an indicator of the popularity of the domain name.

Now that you have a potential domain name, it's time to locate a registrar. While there are so many domain registering companies available today, choose one that is already a popular choice in the industry. A wrong move here can really cause you heart ache. The company should already have laid down procedures that will enable you to sell the name as quickly as possible when you have a potential suitor. Remember that technology is a time sensitive industry, and any delay might mean cash literally out through the window.

Once you have acquired a goodly name, the next step if you want to make money from domain names would be to develop the address. Check this out; you can start to make money from your name even before you sell it. If you don't have plans yet for a fully fledged website, you could put up a page with links to website related to your industry. Every time a visitor clicks a link to a site, you make a few cents.

A better strategy would be to develop a complete web site where you do business on one way or another. Then, in order to attract huge traffic, you could market the site using some paid up services. The idea is that you will sell the domain name together with a fully built website.

When you have found a client for a domain name, do not be sleazy with your offer. Domain names fetch anywhere from a few thousands to millions of dollars. The hottest industries these days are usually technology, finance, and the fast moving goods sectors.

You don't have to be a technical geek in order to profit from technology. A few lessons on making money from domain names can turn around your life and leave you smiling all the way to the bank.

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Workers' Compensation Claims Under The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act

The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA) is a Federal law that requires maritime employers to provide workers' compensation insurance coverage for employment-injury and occupational-disease for workers who are injured or contract occupational diseases occurring on the navigable waters of the United States, or in adjoining areas, and for certain other classes of workers covered by extensions of this Act.

In most cases in California, maritime workers whose work-injuries are covered under the LHWCA also qualify for coverage under State law at the same time. Although the benefits structure is similar between the two systems, in some cases, the amount of workers' compensation benefits under the LHWCA is greater than that under the State system and injured workers are allowed to choose the larger benefit.

While duplicate benefits are not allowed, injured workers are allowed to pick and choose the greater benefit from either the Federal system or the State system when both jurisdictions apply to a single workers' compensation claim. This dual jurisdiction is a great advantage for injured California maritime workers.

In order for a work-injury to qualify for coverage under the LHWCA the injury must have happened at a covered job, you must be a covered employee, and the employer must be a covered maritime employer.

A job site covered by the LHWCA must meet the definition of "situs." This includes:

- Navigable waters of the United States;

- Adjoining pier;

- Wharf;

- Dry dock;

- Terminal;

- Building way;

- Marine railway; or

- Other adjoining area customarily used by an employer in loading, unloading, repairing, dismantling or building a vessel.

A covered employee must meet the definition of "status." This includes:

- Longshoremen or anyone engaged in longshore work;

- Winch operators;

- Hold men;

- Clerks and checkers;

- Dock men;

- Forklift operators;

- Warehousemen performing any tasks related to longshoring operations;

- Harbor workers;

- Ship repairmen;

- Shipbuilders;

- Ship-breakers;

- Pile-drivers and any workers constructing piers, wharves, sewer outfalls, or any facility used as an aid to navigation or maritime commerce.

A qualifying maritime employer is one that falls under the broad definition of any employer whose employees are employed in maritime employment.

The LHWCA also specifically excludes certain workers from coverage. These include:

- An officer or employee of the United States or any of its agencies;

- An employee of any State;

- An employee of any municipality;

- A foreign government agent;

- An employee whose injury is caused solely by his own intoxication;

- An employee whose injury occurs solely as a result of his attempt to injure or kill himself or another;

- Office clerical workers covered under State law;

- Personnel for a club, camp, recreational operation, restaurant, museum, or retail outlet covered under State law;

- Marina personnel covered under State law;

- Personnel for suppliers, transporters, or vendors temporarily doing business on the premises of the maritime employer who do not normally do the type of work performed by the employees of the maritime employer and are covered under State law;

- Aquaculture workers involved in commercial cultivation and harvest of aquatic plants and animals covered under State law;

- Personnel involved in the construction, repair, or dismantling of any recreational vessel under sixty-five feet in length who are covered under State law;

- A master or member of a crew of any vessel;

- Anyone hired by a master to unload, load, or repair any small vessel weighing less than eighteen tons net.

To find out more about this subject, search for other articles by the same author or visit the author's website.

Navigating The Worker's Compensation Path   Workers Compensation Benefits and the 'Other Things' You Need to Be Aware of   How To Find A Workers Compensation Attorney   Are You a Victim of Generic Industrial Deafness? You Deserve Compensation   

How To Make Wall Lights Work For You

If you have always had your heart set on using wall lights (or sconces, as they are also commonly known), you may not have thought that they could be used for more than just decorative purposes - they also have a wide range of functional uses that could be employed in any home. But how can you make these lights work well for you?

Task Lighting - If you don't know what this type of lighting is, the name essentially describes it - whether you are reading, doing homework or cooking, task illumination will help you to perform these tasks. Wall lights can function quite effectively for completing tasks, as long as they are close in and have low hanging fixtures. This will place the sconces at the required height, whether that is illuminating a couch, desk or bench top. Ambient Lighting - For those not a 100% sure on what this type of lighting actually involves, it simply provides an area or room with general illumination. In terms of wall lights for an ambient effect, if the room has high ceilings you can install sconces high up on the wall. Regardless of whether you utilize wall sconces or ceiling ones, good ambient illumination should not be harsh but should still flood the room with enough brightness that you are able to see and move around. Accent Lighting - As its name suggests, accent lighting is used to accent (or highlight) features of interest and should be brighter than any ambient illumination. In a lot of spaces, it is used to add drama to a room, which, in turn, adds a sense of increased appeal. Wall lights used as accent lighting are commonly fitted with dark or opaque shades, as this forces the light to spread out from above and below the fixture, creating an attractive hourglass shape and dramatic shadows. Wall lights are commonly used to draw the eye to artworks, plants and even architectural elements.

Regardless of how you plan to use wall lighting in your home, you are sure to find a range of styles and effects that will really tie the décor of your home together. Whether you need to provide illumination for yourself and your family to perform daily tasks, or you want to illuminate an entire room, or you just want to show off the latest addition to your art collection, wall sconces are a highly effective and attractive way to achieve this.

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Fire Safety And The Home

When you think about it, it makes sense for every home to have its own, custom-made fire safety drill. After all, each hotel has one and so does every workplace and public building, so why ought to your family and home not be on a par with them? But how many households have one. I personally do not know of any. It is weird that we appear to undervalue our nearest and dearest such a lot.

So where should you go to find a basic fire safety strategy? There are lots of places. You ought to be familiar with the fire safety plan at your workshop for a kick off. Otherwise, you could go to you library or any public building and read theirs.

You will probably need to alter any public fire safety policy you read to home life, unless you intend handing out RFID tags or having a doorman to clock everybody in and out. This is a difficult area. How do you know who is in and who is out in a large house?

The Fire Department will also be able to give you fire safety tips. In some countries, the fire department is happy to visit private homes free of charge to offer suggestions on how best to safeguard one's family.

Smoke Detectors: There ought to be a smoke detector outside the kitchen (inside if nobody ever burns the toast) and on each stairs landing. They should be hardwired together, so that if one goes off they all go off and they could be linked to the house main burglar alarm siren as well. They should also get wired into the house mains electricity system with individual battery back ups.

Emergency Lighting: there ought to be emergency lights pointing towards the nearest ground floor exit. These should be mains and battery powered as well. Think about putting luminous strips on every (top) tread of the stairs, because you do not want individuals falling down the stairs in their rush to get out in the dark.

Fire Extinguishers: there ought to be a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and garage and on every landing too. Consider putting a small one in each bedroom.

Personal Fire Safety Kit: it is a wise precaution to place some sort of kit in every bedroom. This kit could contain: a fire blanket, safety goggles and a hand bell. A fire-resistant blanket against the heat; goggles so you may see in the smoke and a bell to warn the remainder of the house if the alarms do not ring or to call for help if you are trapped.

Intumescent Strips: you could automatically seal off areas most likely to catch fire with intumescent strips. You cut a groove in an hour-fire check door with a router all around the edge and insert a strip. At a certain temperature, the strip expands very quickly, sealing the door shut and localizing any fire. These doors should be shut first (door closers) obviously.

Make sure that everyone knows where to muster and phone missing family members. Hang your safety strategy in each toilet so that even guests get the opportunity to read it and you will have the safest home on the block.

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Rental Opportunities Around the World

The nature of our modern lifestyles and industry has led to the development of the rental concept. Are you aware of all the things available to hire in this day and age?

Home Appliances

Waiting to get an appliance fixed but can't live without it? Thankfully, many home appliances are now available to rent, from fridges to hobs to washing machines. Consider your day saved! It also works well for people who are living in temporary accommodation and don't wish to purchase equipment they'll need to sell just a few months later.


Gone are the days when you could just rent a car for transportation. Most forms of vehicle are now available for hire.

Looking for a fun way to spend your weekend? Rent a party bus! Equipped with everything from bars to poles for dancing, these driving discos are a hit for graduations, hen and stag nights, and significant birthdays.

In some cities around the world like Melbourne in Australia, and Riga in Latvia, you can rent trams! Yes, trams. Some have been made into restaurants on wheels so you can dine while sightseeing. Others are reconstructed old trams from the start of the century that just serve as a lovely place to get together and go for a spin at the start of the night.

And that's just the beginning... Planes, trains and boats can all be hired whether for personal use or as a party venue.

Party Supplies

It's never been easier to organise a party outdoors or in an unconventional venue. Nowadays, pretty much anything is transportable from foldaway tables to portaloos to kitchen equipment. So if you've been dreaming about hosting an anniversary, birthday celebration or wedding in that perfect location in the middle of nowhere, hesitate no longer. With a bit of effort and a lot of investment (unfortunately, these things don't come cheap... ) you can do it.

You no longer have to rely on niche companies to provide you with partyware rental solutions. Many event management companies will have a list of suppliers on hand to make your life much easier. They'll also be able to advise you on exactly what you need to hire to make your gettogether a success.

Common party rental items include marquees, sound and lighting equipment, dishes and cutlery, portaloos and kitchen appliances.

Technical Equipment

Many industries rely on some form of equipment rental. Often it's not worth making a long term investment if a device is only used from time to time, such as only during the summer months in the case of chiller rental. It is also easier for businesses as they don't need to store the equipment and employ staff to take care of its maintenance.

The construction industry, for example, benefits greatly from modern day rental opportunities. Builders move from site to site, and even from country to country so it would be impractical for them to lug around all the heavy machinery needed to do their work. Here, transformer rental will also come in handy as it will ensure any transportable tools and machinery work safely when connected to the local power grid.

Other major fields that use rental services are mining and shipping. As you can see, they're all industries that are constantly on the move somehow.

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Pay Per Click Services - Extremely Fast Traffic To Your Website But At A Potentially High Price

Your website is up and running and now you need to bring traffic to it. As with anything else, there are hundreds of methods of traffic generation to choose from to get started. Depending on the funds you have available to allocate to traffic building, you might want to consider pay-per-click. This can be one of the fastest traffic generating methods available online, however you must be careful as the cost can be one of the most expensive.

What is pay-per-click traffic?

Pay-per-click or PPC is the advertising method in which you pay advertisers on a "per-click" basis according to the number of clicks they can generate for your website. The concept is actually quite straight-forward. First you must sign up and become a members for Google AdWords or any another PPC service provider.

Once you are a member you can submit the URL to them that you wish to advertise. The PPC system will also have their own database of website owners on the Internet that are interested in promoting URL ads through the vendor. These websites work much like affiliates. They, or the advertisers system in some cases, will place your URL on their sites in predetermined advertising blocks. Whenever any person clicks on them, you pay the advertiser (In this case Google, and Google pays the website owner, think AdSense).

Why should you consider using PPC campaigns for website traffic?

If you haven't considered using a PPC campaign yet, you might be missing out on one of the best and fastest traffic generation method on the Internet. PPC campaigns are extremely key word targeted and can generate traffic extremely quickly for the given key words. In many cases you can watch your traffic skyrocket almost instantly.

Why you should be careful using PPC campaigns for website traffic.

Pay-per-click campaigns can be overwhelming for the beginner. If you're not sure about how to do your proper keyword research that you are going to miss out on a lot of keywords for a given campaign. Some marketers will have hundreds of keywords for a single pay-per-click campaign. This includes keywords for broad matches, exact matches and phrase matches. Most beginners will only target a handful of keywords, usually under 10. Most beginners, or anyone without a large budget, does not usually look at spending a price per keyword and having to do hundreds of keywords at a time. This can become quite expensive really fast if the keywords have a lot of traffic. This also does not account for conversion rates so any traffic you get if it does not convert is money lost.

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Non-Slip Floor Treatment: The Best Way to Get A Better Grip!

Flooring is something that has to be planned carefully. The type of flooring planned should be resistant to slip and enhance a better grip. Flooring in wet areas is a part of the chief concern for many. Hospitals, schools, libraries, workplaces and anywhere for that matter, has to be safe to use. There might be some floors that require a treatment for their slippery condition. So, taking an anti slip treatment is the best way to avoid any accidents, hindrance or trouble due to its usage. So why should we use this treatment exactly?

Here are the reasons:

1. Reduce the risk of injuries caused by slip and fall disasters both at work place and at home 2. Increases the safety of the work environment 3. Guarantee period will be taken seriously and the maintenance will be instructed and given in the form of manual for which you need not pay any extra amount of money 4. There will be minimal or nil disruption to your workplace or your house while taking up the treatment 5. It is suitable for ceramic, unglazed, concrete, terrazzo, linoleum, marble, thermoplastic, slate, and many other forms of flooring 6. The coefficient of friction is safer irrespective of dry or wet weather conditions 7. They are non-toxic, anti culture medium and also non-acid base 8. Quick to apply and bring under use after application 9. It is suitable for both interior and exterior flooring purposes

Anti-slip coating can be given to the already existing slippery flooring or to the ones that need a new one. It is required to keep a close watch whether the anti slip coating is alive to avoid untoward incidents. The slip test standards have to be followed for safety. There are affordable slip-testing measures like BOT-3000, Pendulum, SlipAlert, Tortus etc that are reliable too. For those who are planning to go along with the flooring plans, anti-slip tiles and stones are also available. They are guaranteed to remain slip resistant for a long time down the line. They come in a variety of textures and colors too. DIY Abrasive Anti-Slip Floor

Coatings are also available in stores to help you make your floors slip resistant. Self-adhesives and Anti-slip Tapes are also available, which are easy to use. All you got to do is just peel their adhesive backing and stick them onto the floor! With all these available, you can make your floor, slip and risk free!

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New Years Resolutions for Parents of Children With Special Needs

The New Year is often a time for people to adopt resolutions-especially those that are health related. Let's face it. It is hard being a parent at any time, but parents of children with special needs are particularly vulnerable to burnout and caregiver fatigue. What these parents don't often recognize is that keeping themselves healthy - mentally and physically - is an important resolution to take on at the start of the year and throughout.

What might those resolutions look like? Here are a few ideas they offer:

Expect your best to be different every day. Parents always try to do their best every day, but every day is different and sometimes you have to give yourself a break. You may be tired, the day may be gloomy, you may be emotionally depleted and your best may be just getting through the day. Accept the fact that your best efforts may vary and allow that to be OK with you.

At the end of the day review the stuff you did, not the stuff you did not accomplish. Many parents keep a 'to do' list for themselves. Sometimes they are written, sometimes they are mental. One helpful method to feel accomplished at the end of the day to remember all the stuff you did do (many of which probably never appeared on your 'to do' list). Life is often unpredictable and if you missed a few items on your list, you probably did a dozen that never got on it in the first place. At day's end, remind yourself of all the incredible stuff you did get done and reward yourself with a hot bath, a pat on the back or a few pages of a book you enjoy.

Ask for help more often. Being a caregiver often means you are used to giving. Taking on the role of receiving is sometimes not a familiar one to parents of children with special needs. The way to get comfortable with this is learn to ask for help in all kinds of situations. Maybe it's as simple as asking a neighbor to pick up some food when they go to the store, or recruiting a list of babysitters before you need them. Get into the habit of asking.

Make your "me time" non-negotiable. When planning your calendar, make sure you schedule some time for yourself and those things you really enjoy. It could be lunch with friends, an evening movie or as simple as a long walk in the woods. Put those things on the calendar and write them into your schedule. It signals you and the world that you too are important.

Prescribe a heavy dose of laughter. It has been proven that laughter is therapeutic, lowers blood pressure, releases good endorphins into your blood stream and reduces stress. That puts a different priority on spending a few dollars to purchase your favorite funny movie or taking the time before you go to bed to watch a humorous show on television. Think of new ways to bring laughter into your life and your life will be healthier for it.

Grab even a little time for yourself. Just because you don't have a big block of time to spare does not mean you should not seize the small ones. It is amazing how just as few totally simple steps like -- closing your eyes, breathing a little slower and a little deeper and relaxing your body-can relive and refresh you. See if you can capture two or three of these little respites throughout the day. The benefits are way bigger than the time they take.

This is a new year and parents of children with special needs should make sure they give themselves the resources and time they need in order to be there--healthy and relaxed--for themselves and their family.

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Get Instant Rapport On Sales Cold Calls

Immediately establish rapport on cold-calls by matching your prospect's voice qualities - tone, pace, and emotion. Matching the emotion, or mood, of your prospect is key. If you begin your call sounding excited when she is not, you will be immediately branded as a salesperson, and the prospect's guard will be way up. By matching her emotion, you immediately get her thinking "this person is like me". And we all want to talk to people like us. Begin your call with a simple question to verify the prospect's name even though you know who you are calling. This is your first chance to establish rapport. Let's say that the next name on your prospect list is Dave Jackson: DJ - "Hello. This is Dave Jackson" You - "Hello, is this Dave Jackson?" DJ - "Yes it is." Repeat his name while matching his voice qualities - tone, pace, and emotion. You ask the name verification question, even though he stated his name, to break his thought pattern. Then make a judgment about just how busy he is. If the prospect feels receptive go ahead and deliver your attention grabbing intro. Do not ask if this is a good time to talk. If you do, you will only give him a chance to get rid of you before you have a chance to gain his interest. If he sounds busy, tell him so, and ask when would be a good time to call back. He will likely ask why you are calling, giving you the perfect opening to deliver your attention grabbing introduction. © 1999-2004 Shamus Brown, All Rights Reserved.

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Important Facts About The Royal Canadian Mint Kilo Gold Bar

Looking for a special gift for a special someone? Are you interested in investing your money in a gold bar? Gold, these days are considered high priced commodity. It is a perfect gift to give to a friend or family member and it can also be a good addition to an investment portfolio. The Royal Canadian Mint Kilo Gold Bar is one of the most in demand forms of gold that are readily available for you to purchase online or through local dealers. They are explicitly beautiful and they guaranteed by the government of Canada. If you want to know more about the Royal Canadian Mint Kilo Gold Bar, here are important pieces of information about the famous gold.

Brief Word About The Mint

In North America, The Royal Canadian Mint is the only accredited gold refiner to produce minted gold bars. Gold and other bullion products sold from the said mint are generally recognized for their value and purity. Aside from the famous Canadian Mint Kilo Gold Bar, the mint manufactures other famous types of gold and bullion for investment like the Maple Leaf bullion coins, trade bars and gold wafers. Moreover, the bullion coins from the said mint are considered as legal tender in Canada. The Royal Canadian Mint produces Canada's currency.

The Royal Canadian Mint Kilo Bar

The Royal Canadian mint has issued a series of three gold bars -10 oz, 5 oz and 1 oz. The gold purity of the bars is 0.999. They are all guaranteed by Canada's government. The 1 kilo gold bar weights exactly 1000 gram, or 32.15 ounce. and the highly popular Maple Leaf gold coin. So that buyers will not get confuse with what type of buy he or she is purchasing, each types of gold bar produced in the mint is stamped with its exact weight and purity. Also, each bar bears the trademark of the world's most popular mint.


The Royal Canadian Mint Kilo Gold Bar is brick-shaped gold bullion bar. It contains 99.99 percent gold. Again, the mint's hallmark is stamped directly on the bar to attest its authenticity and legitimacy. This type of gold bar is very ideal because it is widely recognized they are available for purchase in many countries around the globe. The word kilo is short for kilogram, which means the bar is equivalent to 1,000 grams. In America, it is equivalent to 2.2 pounds. However, it is more important to know that it measures 32.15 troy ounces. Always remember that gold products are measured in troy ounces, which is the acceptable measurement in the international market.

If you will look closely at the bar you will see the English words "Royal Canadian Mint" and the French "Monnaie Royale Canadienne", these scribbles are seen alongside the Royal Canadian Mint or RCM hallmark. By the way, the RCM hallmark is a stylized maple leaf in a circle. In addition, the words ONE KILO are also imprinted on the bar, together with the serial number and the bar's purity -- 999.9.

If you always browsing the internet for gold products, you will notice that the famous kilo bar is being offered by different gold and silver dealers online. The RCM or the Royal Canadian Mint manufactures the gold bar, however the mint does not directly sell the famous bar to the public. You can try buying the bar from a legitimate coin and bullion dealers. However, if you do, make sure that you check out the items first before sending your payment. Look for the markings mentioned in the article.

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A Guide to Buy Silver Coins

Silver is one of the most useful metals in the world. Although it is not as valuable as gold and other precious metals, it is one of the most widely used. Silver is present in items like luxury engagement rings and fancy silverware. It is no wonder people are turning to investing in silver. Some even buy silver bullions. If you are thinking of investing in silver or looking to expand your modest collection of silverware, learn the proper way of buying them.

Investing in silver may not be as popular as investing in gold but it can be just as profitable. Like most investments, the value of silver can fluctuate. Luckily, when you buy silver coins, they are subject to different appraisal categories than plain and pure silver.

Some people may say investing in silver is not as cost effective as investing in gold. You can buy gold by the bullion and take risks with its unstable market value. With silver, it is more practical to invest in silver jewelries, coins or even silverwares. When you buy silver coins, they may not be a risk-free investment but can be useful when you need cash fast.

If you want to buy silver bullion or other valuable items made from the same material, learning how to determine the value of your silver is an important skill. Pawnshops and internet sellers sometimes take advantage of novice collectors and ask for more money than the items' worth. Their initial concern is for profit rather than executing a fair trade. Specialized silver dealers are more reliable when it comes to buying and selling silver.

Be smart about the kind of people you buy silver bullion from. Do not let shady sellers steal money from you. Basic knowledge about silver and determining its value will help a lot.

To determine the value of silver, check the labeling if it is silver or sterling silver. Silver is a precious metal while sterling has other metals mixed in to make it more durable. Genuine sterling silver can still have a high price if appraised correctly. Weighing your item is the next step. Convert this weight into troy ounces and multiply it by the present price of silver. Remember that this amount is only the bottom price of the item. The value can significantly increase depending on what kind of item it is and age, rarity or history.

It is convenient to check online stores and classified ads for silver items to add to your collection. Be careful because not all dealers are truthful with their descriptions. Nothing will replace your personal and physical assessment of the item before you exchange it for money. Check out auctions, pawnshops, and antique stores. You are more likely to find authentic pieces there than anywhere else.

If you are looking for something new to collect, buy silver coins. They increase in value as time goes by, sometimes regardless of the current price of silver itself. This is a more stable investment than bullion or other artifacts made from the same precious metal.

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